Link Building in 2020 – Enhance Your Website Ranking

link building in 2020

Link building in 2020 as always involves building backlinks to a website. These backlinks are one-way hyperlinks that improve search engine visibility. There are several different types of link building strategies. These include broken link building, email outreach, and content marketing. We will look at each of these in more detail throughout this article.

The Importance of Link Building

Links are extremely important for your website. Before the days of Google Chrome, your search engine would most likely have been Yahoo. Things however changed, and whereas Yahoo ranked 100% on webpage content, Google introduced their famous algorithm. This changed everything. It made it so much harder to rank number one. In order to have a high-ranking website nowadays, it needs to have one way hyperlinks as well as great content.

Two decades after the introduction of Google, not much has changed. One thing that has changed though is the necessity to have quality links. With the introduction of Google Penguin, you now need high-quality back links in order to have a high-ranking website.

Page Authority

When linking your content to another page in 2020, you need to check the PA (page authority) of the page you are linking to. Linking to an authoritative page will pass the authority to your own site. This is also known as Page Rank. Your PA can be found easily by installing add-ons such as Mozbar in Firefox or Chrome. When using widely available keyword finding tools, you will also be able to see the PA of your competitors and the strength of the keywords they use. So, in simple terms, a link from your site to the New York Times will have a far bigger impact than one to a local blogger.

Site Relevance

Unlike in the past, in 2020, you will need to ensure that the site you are linking to is relevant to your own. For example, if your web content is based around vegan diet habits, a link to the global economy on the New York Times will actually damage your sites authority. Times are getting tougher when it comes to back linking in 2020.

Where you Place your Links

The place your link is in your content also counts when you are looking for ways to enhance your website content in 2020. Don’t add links in the first sentence, and don’t bury them down in the footer. A good link should be linked in the middle of your text, using a relevant hyperlink text. This text is known as your anchor text. What you use as your anchor text is also ranked by Google. To really enhance your content, don’t exact-match your anchor text to the title of the page you are linking to; this would be considered as spam.

Let’s Start Link Building in 2020 and Enhance your Website Ranking

Link building is a two way street. What this means is that it’s not just you linking to authoritative sites. You need people to link to you. In order for people to add links to your content, you need a site that is not just content-rich but also visually appealing. Visual assets of your site could include high quality images, or informative charts. Infographics are favored by almost all your visitors. No one wants to read page upon page of black and white text.

A chart with lots of interesting information is not just attractive; people will want to link it to their own content. Another way to break up page and page of text is with lists and bullet points; these are also popular place where people will want to link to on your website.

Original Data and In Depth Guides

To make your website stand out from the crowd, you should always offer something that your competitors aren’t. This could be an in-depth guide with new tips and tricks. Or it could be brand new data and stats. If you are offering information that people are yet to see, they will be far more likely to link to it.

Finding Likely Linkers

Of course, it’s not just a case of sitting back and waiting for people to link to your content. You need to find content to link to as well. As well as adding your own hyperlinks to their content, you can also use email outreach to get in content with the owner of the site you are interested in linking to. This is called reverse engineering. You can find sites that are useful to link to by adding your own keywords into Google and seeing what results come up.

Broken Links

Another way to enhance your own page authority and your website content in 2020 is to fix broken links. To do this, first you need to install a broken link tool such as Link Miner. This allows you to find content with broken links that need fixing. Pages with multiple outbound links are more likely to have some that are broken. Here you must remember to look for content that is relevant to you and your web content. Using the same example, if your own website is about vegan diets, try to search for broken links from pages that are about specialist dietary needs. Once you find a broken link, you can email the owner of the site. This is called reaching base. In your email you will then suggest to replace the broken link with one to your own website


There are more ways to build links that haven’t been covered in this short text. But let’s have a brief recap about link building for your website in 2020. Having hyperlinks on your website to other content will enhance your own PA and DA ( domain authority)

There are several ways to build links to your site. Link building in 2020 is a two-way street. Not only should you be looking for relevant content to link your website to; you should also be making sure that your own content is relevant and stands out from the crowd. Brand new data and infographics are great ways to enhance your website as your visitors will be far more likely to link to your content. Your link building strategies could also include emailing website owners to ask about adding links, or indeed fixing broken links you find.

A succesful and high-ranking website in 2020 is possible. So, start enhancing your ranking today with these superb link-building tips and techniques.

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